For this section I’m going to be talking about the recording process and how we acquired the other sound effects we couldn’t acquire at first. For our dialog, we sent out a casting call to recruit actors, after this was done and we acquired our main actors, the next stage was to arrange a time to record in the studio. The setup for our recording session was as follows:
Audient 8024-24 channel mixing desk
Genelec monitors
iMac Pro
Adobe Audition
Pair of Shure SM58s (we were going to use SEx-1 condenser microphones but there was a phantom power issue with the mixing desk at the time).
Mic stands with pop filters
Beyerdynamic DT1000 headphones
Our recording strategy was to setup an audition section per voice actor and then we’d put the dialog together according to the script, this sped up the recording process, at first however and for some scenes between Rose and Edward, we set up both mics and recorded them as if they were having a conversation, this means that the actors stay more in character which creates more immersive dialogue.
For the process of collecting sound effects, I booked out a Zoom H4n recorder and went on my way, I made myself a list of what sounds were needed by following the script and writing them down, a lot of sounds were recorded inside but there were a few recorded outside like the pavement running sequence. For walking and running sound effects, I recorded multiple for variation and also moved the recorder around to achieve different sound effects (e.g. place it in different locations, high low etc.) Sound FX that I couldn’t acquire I got through
Dropbox link:
Sound effects
Recorded sound effects
Dropbox link:
My Zoom effects
Due to the formats of the files, I have included a Dropbox link here that will take you to the raw free sound effects that we used: